Saturday, February 23, 2008

Caught inky handed ....

The Troll and the "calf" were off to Clemson with tickets in hand for the baseball game, all dressed in orange, so much so they almost hurt your eyes looking at them. Last minute they invited me to "ride along" so I could box in Clemson while they went to the game, I was not ready, nor prepared (read no clues printed), and they really did not want to wait on me so I sent them along their way. With the house to myself and about 1,000 things to do, I made the decision to blow off all the things I should be doing and go run out for a few local boxes and enjoy the day by myself. It was such a beautiful day .....and I would just get a few and be back and do my chores.

Things were crowded, so I selected a unpopular trail that I knew would not have a mass of people around. I always find J Walkers' boxes rewarding as they normally are a challenge for me, don't know what it is, we just don't vibe the same I guess (and I mean this in a WONDERFUL way). I found 3 of the 4 I went in search of, which is GREAT, now it was not a 1,2,3 find, I retraced a lot of steps, read clues multiple times, talked to myself, etc. Now that I sit here writing this, I think back to the moments and yeah I know I am nuts, but I find myself standing there sometimes, clues in hand, and talking out loud to Trivia Daddy saying things like:

"OK Trivia Daddy, I am NOT GETTING THIS !"
"HELP ME HERE ..... what did you see that I am not seeing"
"OK I know how to use a compass and this is 310 degrees and NO BOX, Trivia Daddy, why are your boxes so hard for me !"

If anyone walked along the trail and saw this crazy person with a piece of paper in hand, searching for things under logs, and talking out loud to NO ONE, they would run to the nearest park employee and have someone come take me out of the woods! Like I said I love the challenge that I have with his boxes, and they are a great reward for me when I find them. SO like I said 3 out of the 4 is GREAT for me, and it was a beautiful day, quiet and peaceful (when I was not talking to trivia daddy that is ) and did not see another soul on the trail even though there were TONS of people in the park.

On my way out, as unbelievable as it was, the overlook was empty. I parked all the way at the end, facing the opposite direction of the view, and ran to grab the box. I was sitting in the car, stamping in, and a car drives past. It gets all the way past the overlook and stops and starts reversing. I watch it for a minute in my mirrors, then put my head back down to finish my stamping. I look in my mirror again and I notice a women walking up to my car.....


Caught inky handed ................

I yell out the window "Are you trying to spy on me ???"

It was Kya and Karver ..... :O)

No great adventure tales to tell of the day.... sorry ..... just a nice quiet day of boxing !

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