Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Year, New Goals, New Attitude

When we started letterboxing in July 2007, I really had no goals except to have fun. As the months went on and my numbers increased and I learned so much more about this hobby, I had said I would like to hit my 100th Find before the end of the year. As the end of 2007 approached and that #100 was within my grasp, I changed my mind and my goal.

Number 100 or any number for that matter means very little to me now. It is the box, it is the experience, it is the adventure, the fun, NOT the number. So while I did not STOP letterboxing at the end of the year, I went after boxes that I wanted for a reason. It may have been the planter, it may have been the trail that I had never hiked, it was not for the number. One of these boxes I still want to find soooooooooo very bad and "she" still alludes me.

So with the new year, comes my new view on my hobby. It is the experience, the story, the memories that go along with the numbers.

Have a great New Year everyone, and stay tuned for more of my adventures!

1 comment:

jjjaker said...

I so agree with you. Since I've started letterboxing, I've seen more of this area than I ever would have if I hadn't started. I love spending the day on the trail with my kids. A hike to find one is so much more meaningful that a handful of drivebys. The memories and sights are something I hope that they will always remember.
Angela of the JJJAKER crew