The plan was meet at DD at 7:30 am. It had to be DD because Leopard Forest is not open on Sunday. :O(
This was a day we had been planning for a few weeks, pretty much since the Mountain Mystery event. It was a special invitation to box at America's Castle with dtandfambly (at least 2 of them .... 't' and 'j').
After some coffee and donuts, the 4 of us loaded into my expedition, backpacks secured and clues printed and headed up the mountain to be royalty for the day.
Our first stop was to visit a lady of biltmore. Then into the grounds of the castle and to Vanderbilt. We promised the kids a quick tour of the house, and they soon became members of the Biltmore Commodore's Cub Club. Like most kids they could have skipped the majority of the house and headed right for the basement. We left the house and had a snack in the stable courtyard. We were all ready, it was kinda windy and cold, but we were all looking forward to a day of boxing. We visited the garden, met Fredrick Law Olmsted & Richard Morris Hunt and took a ride gently down the stream. We made our way back to the castle and took the bus back to our car.
On to the river's edge we drove. Found a parking spot and went in search of the treasure that 't' was determined to find...... America's Castle. First things first, we visited the weeping tree. To us, this was a tree right out of Harry Potter. While 't' and I stamped in, the kids were having a blast pretending and running around. It was really windy but we were not going ANYWHERE without the treasure. We trudged on along the fence line, fighting the wind, 't' playing tow truck and pulling the 2 kids along (as they were getting very tired and it was cold). I assure you, she was as determined to have this box as I was to have her bloodroot box ! We finally reached the 3rd turn and the smile on 't's face was beyond priceless. I was speechless. This was worth every bit of the hunt, the wind, the cold, the whines, it was worth ALL of it. The kids got a little rest while we admired this wonderful piece of artistry. This is a must have for ANY letterboxer. PRICELESS
With the victory of this quest, there was one more that we had to find. We had to experience the toe cooler. The kids were so looking forward to this box, and after all we had already put them through, we just had to try. 't' had already told them we would need a flashlight as it was inside a bridge, so they were very excited. We went, fighting the wind, across the grounds, behind the castle, down the hill, till we reached the branch's edge. We followed the branch upstream. The kids were tired and cold. Above where we were walking, there was a one lane road. We had noticed one or two vehicles on the road while we were walking. SO ..... I told 't' that I would go get the car, and pick them up on the road, and we could see if we could drive to find it. SO .... I walk back to my car alone and left 't' with the 2 kids.
You see with most of my boxing adventures there always seems to be that one defining moment where things take a HUGE left turn, and the adventure goes a little ...... shall we say ..... HAYWIRE! I assure you this was that exact moment.
OK well back to the story ......
I get to the car, and head back aross the road to pick up the rest of the crew. As I turn onto the little one lane road, there are 2 oval signs that say :
NO Guests beyond this point.
OK -
I panic a little but I had to pick up the kids and 't'. I see them, I yell to them to HURRY get in the car. The kids are questioning me, WHY ???? Why do we HAVE to HURRY ?? I really don't want to scare the kids, nor do I really want to admit to them that I am "breaking the rules" so I say JUST GET IN. I try and whisper to 't' about the signs. Once on this road you are committed, there is no way to turn around, I mean it, this little road is hardly wide enough for my expedition. So we follow the road and low and behold it takes us right to the bridge. There is a large Biltmore maintenance dump truck parked near the bridge and my heart stops, until we realize there is no one in it. We drive across this BEAUTIFUL bridge (this is no Troll bridge) and I pull off the side of the road. I fumble for a small flashlight I keep in my pack and hand it to 't'. I stay in the car with the kids and 't' heads below the bridge. I am in a panic, trying not to let the kids see it, a million things running through my mind, including a call to the troll that we got arrested at Biltmore. We wait, watching the bridge, no 't'. Now I really start to panic. I see a better place to pull off the road a little way ahead, so I pull up there and get off the road more. Still no 't'. OK, I look at the 2 kids, I tell them to stay in the car, do not open the doors for ANYONE, I leave them with the purse of communications, lock the doors and go in search of 't'. I admit, I am scared to death, my heart racing. I find 't' under the bridge, my little flashlight not working. On either side of where the water runs under the bridge are "rooms", they are dark and cold and very scary. I found 't' in the first room, she reads me the clue again, and I see another "room" through this hole in one of the walls. I am about to hoist 't' up into this area, but thinking to myself, NO, they would not put it up there, would they? Then we decide to look in the other room, we jump across the water and enter the other dark, cold scary room. 't' pulls out her cell phone for a little light since my stinky little flashlight is not working (MAJOR SIGH), with hardly any light we are scared to death we are gonna grab a snake or something. HERE IT IS, I hear. We run out the room and above us we see a white Biltmore van, we duck back in - not that it really mattered because above us parked was my expedition with 2 children in it. So we run out, jump the water and run up to the car and the kids. No one in sight WHEWWWWWWW- I open the car and the kids are excited asking "did ya find it ???" WE HAVE IT we tell them ! We stamp in ......... The kids want to come with us to return it. We tell them to find the flashlight 't' brought.
I mean NO sooner, then the 4 of us get out of the car, a car passes us. It stops, and starts backing up. WE ARE BUSTED... I am not sure if I said it out loud - If I did not I was SCREAMING it in my head. The car backs up, a window rolls down and a woman with a white Biltmore Security hat sticks her head out the window. My heart stops. "Is everything all right ?" she asks. I know we looked like deer in headlights, my mind is racing. I open my mouth and "we just really wanted to show the kids the bridge ....... Is that alright?" comes out. It seemed like 100 years before she answered. "OH Yeah, that is fine!" she responds. 't' then says (in that sweet 't' voice) "thanks so much for stopping and checking on us". The car pulls off. I know we just stood frozen for minutes! My mind racing thinking OMG what just happened and how in the heck did we pull that one off ! Finally we break the silence with some major laughter. Off to the bridge to return the box. The kids loved the bridge - it really is cool (in more ways then one).
Back in the car, I say to 't' lets get out of here before someone else comes. We drive to where the little (No Guest) road intersects with the normal (Guest) road. Now that we were "legal" , I could really laugh about the adventure we just had !
The next stop was the winery. Our plans were to go on a wine tasting anyway BUT after what just happened we needed a glass of wine :O) We had a really nice tasting, ('t' was doing a comparison that was work related, I was settling my nerves !)
The last stop (and the last 3 boxes) was at the farm. We tried, we called for help (Mama Fox and Erica and everyone else that we left messages for - THANKS), we listened to the kids whining, we tried again, made more phone calls, we started over, finally with the sun about to set - I was CONVINCED I figured it out and I KNOW I was headed in the right direction (this is like another defining moment when boxing... when things just click, it is such a rush and a DRIVE), but like I said the sun was about to set, the kids were DONE (OH so done), they wanted to leave, and 't' and I wanted the last boxes. I guess that is just the addiction of this hobby, it is so hard to walk away knowing they are there! and that you have it within your reach. BUT, our motherly instincts kicked in and we turned around and went back to the car with our children, heads hung low, knowing there were 2 boxes down that path that we did not have! We did have the opportunity to have a quick visit with George though!
Oh what a day - the kids now were in a little panic that it was late and that we were gonna be "locked" in Biltmore. 't' and I told them if we got locked in then they could pick out whatever bedroom in the castle they wanted to spend the night in ...... that kept them talking and wondering what it would be like to spend the night in that castle.
We left the grounds and headed home, a stop for something to eat and a quick drive by at one of Frank's coffee stops. A few calls from the troll to ensure his son would be home in time for bed since the next day was a school day.
Again what an adventure, a great day boxing, with a wonderful boxer friend, I cherish these days, we may never be rich and live in a castle, but days like this make me the richest person in the world. True Royalty!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Mountains, Mysteries, Legends, and FUN!
The Mountains Mystery and Legends Event hosted by Dixie promised to be ........... well whatever she promised it to be it was and more! This would be only my second event, the first being Come to the table (I promise to write that entry very soon!). I was very scared, very nervous, all these veterans, all those boxes. It always seems so overwhelming to even think about going to an event. Once I talk myself into going (I even have to do that as I am driving there), I have the time of my life.
I was torn about leaving my son home. I knew it would be a long day, cold, maybe a little "scary" at times, so I gave him the option. "Is Mojo gonna be there?" he asks. While I do lie to the Troll at times (as most of you know) ........ I could not lie to those beautiful blue eyes looking up at me. "Yes, Mojo will be there", I inform him. Well that was all he needed, he was going. I think my little 6 yr old has a major crush on the infamous Mojo!
Saturday morning while trying to get out of the house and get on our way to Asheville, my pager goes off. This is part of my life and always goes off when I am trying to get out the door. So I join the conference call, type, fix the problem, pack lunch, print clues, print maps, solve a few PTs, etc. We are finally able to get out of the house. A bag of nerves we head up the mountain to Asheville.
I arrive around 11ish to a crowd already forming. Sean hops out the car grabs his stuff and goes in search of Mojo with a huge smile on his face! We visit with Mojo while getting into the country state of mind.

Then off for a few exchanges, We meet Sweet n Sour, Shoafsters and The Hornesbees, I say hello to some old friends, Dixie, Mama Fox, Knit Wit, Kya, Fire Fighter Family and dtandfambly. I am also able to grab a little bunny thief.
With Mojo as our guide we head for the facilities ! What ??? A line in the Women's room, how can that be!
With Sean off playing in the snow and mud, I try to confirm if, The hills are alive? I anticipated something incredible, but not this. I can dream that one day I could create a stamp like this but... WAKE UP HOLLY ..... that will never happen. What a treasure for my logbook.
I exchange with a few boxing buddies, Sarge and Peace then get to meet up with a rascally rabbit along with pawing the ground. Then off in search of adventures and BOXES. I team up with dtandfambly and the Hornesbees and we find some men that provide for the family, a one legged crow, then the dedicated checkmate and you've been ...
Along with the Fire Fighter Family we make plans to embark on an adventure at 3:30 no matter what! There was a deck of cards on the table but instead of playing, we went off in search of more boxes.
A story of twins floating down the river in a basket peaked our interest, but as as we rounded the corner we spotted the "dog park". Sean wanted to know why in the world all those dogs were locked up in that horse pen ! I tried to explain the concept of a dog park to him but he would have none of it, that was a horse pen and those people were crazy to be locking their dogs up in it ! One of the dogs was barking me, me, me, play with me. Still in search of the twins we meet up with Olive and Chihuahua Grande, they graced us with their stamps and a WOM clue so not only could Frank visit Alpha and Alpha visit Frank but we could visit them too. Then we found the Wolves among us: Etruscan. With a time check we headed back to meet up with the Fire Fighter Family, but on the way had to have a little tongue flapping fun back at the horse pen. At this point I realized, the next box would be #100 for us. So as we were walking back down the path I looked to my left and DING DING DING, I said "look it is a spring tree" which was a very fun #100 for us.

We found the FF Family and got several different version of directions to the Riverside Cemetery. I offered to drive if Hornsbees and dtandfambly would navigate, the FF Family was going to follow along with Mojo. Well not sure how I got there but we did, however at one point FF Daddy and Mojo felt I was going the WRONG way and almost did not follow, but never fear letterboxers know their directions LOL. At the cemetery, FF Daddy hands me the 2 page clue and I started to read as we wandered through the cemetery past ivy, Davis and Brown, past headless child and Dunn, an obelisk, a guardhouse, a path, a bench, past Lenz, Redwood and Reed, an oak, a boulder, flags, a lamb, and to a chamber to understand Mourning. Then it was Fire Fighter Daddy's special gift. I offered to read the clues again so he could navigate and find his treasure. It took us a few chances to get the right starting place, and as a group we navigated the path to Uncommon Valor. What a special treat to be able to share in this treasure. Thanks Fire Fighter Family for allowing us this special opportunity.
Climbing back up the hills of the cemetery lead us basically back to the start and into some historic helping hands. This was my first traditional box planted by The Wolf Family and the story behind it is very interesting. As I was waiting for everyone to finish stamping in, I looked in my logbook and a MYSTERY ...... somehow a Darth Wolf stamp had gotten in there ? WHAT ? How ? Who ? hummmmmm..... was this one of the Mysteries of the event ? Yet another treasure in my logbook.
At this point it was time........ Yes we dare, we dare to venture to the Old Craggy Prison. The FF Family left to meet back up with Dixie so I drove as The Hornsbees and dtandfambly navigated. A phone call or two to Mama Fox might have figured it's way in there too. We almost drove past, I turned around and we drove up to Craggy Prison. What an ominous feeling you get when you drive up to this prison. Fences, razor wire, and no trespassing signs warn you as much as the old prison itself does. The Hornsbees offered to go first and she found the last day of youth. dtandfambly bravely ventured behind the guard tower and up the steps to see the seance at craggy. I offered to accompany her to return it and that is where the little problems of our day start!
You see my son has this Halloween flashlight that makes Halloween noises and 't' loves this thing. So off we go up the steps with the sounds of wolves howling and electric crackling, when we get to the top 't' stops and with a very scared look on her face whips around and says "I think I heard dogs, Holly!", we look down at the prison and there are lights on and we hear a metal door SLAM. We did not say a word we just RAN - I mean it we RANNNNNNNNN down those steps, the flashlight still making noises and 't' saying "I can't turn this thing OFF !', we get to the guard tower and sprint the the car and LEAP in. The thoughts going through my mind were, PLEASE, PLEASE don't make me call the troll and tell him I have gotten arrested for trespassing at a prison, letterboxing ! While it is quite funny!!!!! believe me this is not a call that you want to make to the TROLL, especially since I had my son with me trespassing ! Safe and sound in the car, we catch our breath and I start to drive. While we were gone, the cell phones had rung, both mine and 't's. So we both call back - Mama Fox is on 't's and FF Daddy on mine - it seems that they are about to lock the gates at the park and there were cars still in there AND OH yeah The Hornsbees won the raffle. "DRIVE FASTER HOLLY" is all I remember hearing. The Hornsbees were a little freaked out at the thought of her car being locked in the park. I assured her I would get her home if that happened. NO worry I tell her and drive, but you see I have no idea where I am going - they are my navigators, and I am driving as fast as I feel safe driving with other people and 2 kids in the car, but I keep hearing "FASTER OMG they are gonna lock the gate!" Then the kids starting getting concerned, "what will we do?" they ask? I assure everyone that I will take everyone home if anything happens and just think it will give us a great excuse to come back on Sunday to get the cars and box some more. We arrive at the park - all is well except all this time 't' never realized her truck was there too ! :O)
We thanked The Hornsbees for boxing with us, we hope to be able to box together again. So now it was only the 4 of us left, Sean, 't', ARK and me. We decided we should meet up with Dixie and Mama Fox and everyone else for some food. Sean was trilled when we walked in and he spotted his Mojo. We had a great visit, be filled our hungry bellies and made one last plan. We actually tried to make 2 plans but Mama Fox and Dixie really did not want us to go to Chicken Alley with the kids at night, so we relented and went off to visit Helen.
Now what I have not told you is the Troll has called several times to REMIND me that I was not home YET ! I think while we were in the cemetery he even called for the ingredients he needed to buy for ME to make soup. With each call, I said, "I am still in Asheville darling, just a few more boxes and we will be on the way home, PROMISE!"
Again I drove and 't' navigated. We drive to the bridge..............the kids are playing with the flashlight figuring out which scary sound is best to SCARE someone with should they be on the bridge. I drive under the bridge - LEAVE MY LIGHTS ON- and run to Helen's Haunt. I run back to the car and stamp in. Another SUV goes past us and parks at the end of the road and a large group unloads and walks towards Zealandia. As I go to get out to return the box a car pulls up and stops under the bridge. Now I am stuck , we wait a few minutes , they turn their lights off, they take pictures, they flash their lights at us. I am sitting with the box in my lap. 't' tells me to pull up the road a little and park. I do this and then run back to see if they are gone. NOPE, now they are parked where I was with their lights out. So I go back to the car again. I pretend to be looking for something in the back as they pull up to me. "YOU ARE NOT DOING IT RIGHT!", they inform me. "You HAVE TO TURN YOUR LIGHTS OUT, when you are under the bridge and then call for Helen!". "OH ......... thanks, I really didn't know" I reply! LOL as they pull away - I run back to the bridge to safely return the box as I am walking back to the car a pick-up full of teenagers pulls under the bridge, to summons Helen. I get back to the car and we drive up the road and park in the curve. We get out and start walking up the road, the pick-up parks ahead of us and the pack of teenagers are on the bridge messing around. The kids are a little scared at this point but 't' has them repeat over and over "GO AWAY HELEN"! I meet The Hookman of Beaucatcher, as the kids and 't' ward off Helen! We get back to the car and decide we need to call it a day and head back to to good old South Carolina. I return dtandfambly to their their car and head down the mountain.
I admit I am tired it is about 10pm and Sean has fallen asleep in the back seat. The TROLL CALLS !!! I know I am in major trouble! "HOLLY WHERE ARE YOU?", he bellows! "IT IS 10PM and you have my SON WITH YOU", he informs me. I assure him we are on the way down the mountain and that his son is fine and asleep in the car. Next he advises me that I have made BAD decisions in keeping my kid out this late at nite to LETTERBOX ! It is not smart he lets me know. NOTE TO SELF: Next time book a hotel room!
I arrive home at about 11 PM, get Sean safely in his bed, calm the troll down, and savor the great day I had.
THANKS DIXIE, Mama Fox, Knit Wit and everyone for all the hard work you put into this event, Mojo for being Sean's special friend, dtandfambly and The Hornsbees for being my partners in crime and Fire Fighter Daddy for sharing his special box with us! AND EVERYONE ELSE for such a great day!
Where to next ????? :O)
I was torn about leaving my son home. I knew it would be a long day, cold, maybe a little "scary" at times, so I gave him the option. "Is Mojo gonna be there?" he asks. While I do lie to the Troll at times (as most of you know) ........ I could not lie to those beautiful blue eyes looking up at me. "Yes, Mojo will be there", I inform him. Well that was all he needed, he was going. I think my little 6 yr old has a major crush on the infamous Mojo!
Saturday morning while trying to get out of the house and get on our way to Asheville, my pager goes off. This is part of my life and always goes off when I am trying to get out the door. So I join the conference call, type, fix the problem, pack lunch, print clues, print maps, solve a few PTs, etc. We are finally able to get out of the house. A bag of nerves we head up the mountain to Asheville.
I arrive around 11ish to a crowd already forming. Sean hops out the car grabs his stuff and goes in search of Mojo with a huge smile on his face! We visit with Mojo while getting into the country state of mind.

Then off for a few exchanges, We meet Sweet n Sour, Shoafsters and The Hornesbees, I say hello to some old friends, Dixie, Mama Fox, Knit Wit, Kya, Fire Fighter Family and dtandfambly. I am also able to grab a little bunny thief.
With Mojo as our guide we head for the facilities ! What ??? A line in the Women's room, how can that be!
With Sean off playing in the snow and mud, I try to confirm if, The hills are alive? I anticipated something incredible, but not this. I can dream that one day I could create a stamp like this but... WAKE UP HOLLY ..... that will never happen. What a treasure for my logbook.
I exchange with a few boxing buddies, Sarge and Peace then get to meet up with a rascally rabbit along with pawing the ground. Then off in search of adventures and BOXES. I team up with dtandfambly and the Hornesbees and we find some men that provide for the family, a one legged crow, then the dedicated checkmate and you've been ...
Along with the Fire Fighter Family we make plans to embark on an adventure at 3:30 no matter what! There was a deck of cards on the table but instead of playing, we went off in search of more boxes.
A story of twins floating down the river in a basket peaked our interest, but as as we rounded the corner we spotted the "dog park". Sean wanted to know why in the world all those dogs were locked up in that horse pen ! I tried to explain the concept of a dog park to him but he would have none of it, that was a horse pen and those people were crazy to be locking their dogs up in it ! One of the dogs was barking me, me, me, play with me. Still in search of the twins we meet up with Olive and Chihuahua Grande, they graced us with their stamps and a WOM clue so not only could Frank visit Alpha and Alpha visit Frank but we could visit them too. Then we found the Wolves among us: Etruscan. With a time check we headed back to meet up with the Fire Fighter Family, but on the way had to have a little tongue flapping fun back at the horse pen. At this point I realized, the next box would be #100 for us. So as we were walking back down the path I looked to my left and DING DING DING, I said "look it is a spring tree" which was a very fun #100 for us.
We found the FF Family and got several different version of directions to the Riverside Cemetery. I offered to drive if Hornsbees and dtandfambly would navigate, the FF Family was going to follow along with Mojo. Well not sure how I got there but we did, however at one point FF Daddy and Mojo felt I was going the WRONG way and almost did not follow, but never fear letterboxers know their directions LOL. At the cemetery, FF Daddy hands me the 2 page clue and I started to read as we wandered through the cemetery past ivy, Davis and Brown, past headless child and Dunn, an obelisk, a guardhouse, a path, a bench, past Lenz, Redwood and Reed, an oak, a boulder, flags, a lamb, and to a chamber to understand Mourning. Then it was Fire Fighter Daddy's special gift. I offered to read the clues again so he could navigate and find his treasure. It took us a few chances to get the right starting place, and as a group we navigated the path to Uncommon Valor. What a special treat to be able to share in this treasure. Thanks Fire Fighter Family for allowing us this special opportunity.
Climbing back up the hills of the cemetery lead us basically back to the start and into some historic helping hands. This was my first traditional box planted by The Wolf Family and the story behind it is very interesting. As I was waiting for everyone to finish stamping in, I looked in my logbook and a MYSTERY ...... somehow a Darth Wolf stamp had gotten in there ? WHAT ? How ? Who ? hummmmmm..... was this one of the Mysteries of the event ? Yet another treasure in my logbook.
At this point it was time........ Yes we dare, we dare to venture to the Old Craggy Prison. The FF Family left to meet back up with Dixie so I drove as The Hornsbees and dtandfambly navigated. A phone call or two to Mama Fox might have figured it's way in there too. We almost drove past, I turned around and we drove up to Craggy Prison. What an ominous feeling you get when you drive up to this prison. Fences, razor wire, and no trespassing signs warn you as much as the old prison itself does. The Hornsbees offered to go first and she found the last day of youth. dtandfambly bravely ventured behind the guard tower and up the steps to see the seance at craggy. I offered to accompany her to return it and that is where the little problems of our day start!
You see my son has this Halloween flashlight that makes Halloween noises and 't' loves this thing. So off we go up the steps with the sounds of wolves howling and electric crackling, when we get to the top 't' stops and with a very scared look on her face whips around and says "I think I heard dogs, Holly!", we look down at the prison and there are lights on and we hear a metal door SLAM. We did not say a word we just RAN - I mean it we RANNNNNNNNN down those steps, the flashlight still making noises and 't' saying "I can't turn this thing OFF !', we get to the guard tower and sprint the the car and LEAP in. The thoughts going through my mind were, PLEASE, PLEASE don't make me call the troll and tell him I have gotten arrested for trespassing at a prison, letterboxing ! While it is quite funny!!!!! believe me this is not a call that you want to make to the TROLL, especially since I had my son with me trespassing ! Safe and sound in the car, we catch our breath and I start to drive. While we were gone, the cell phones had rung, both mine and 't's. So we both call back - Mama Fox is on 't's and FF Daddy on mine - it seems that they are about to lock the gates at the park and there were cars still in there AND OH yeah The Hornsbees won the raffle. "DRIVE FASTER HOLLY" is all I remember hearing. The Hornsbees were a little freaked out at the thought of her car being locked in the park. I assured her I would get her home if that happened. NO worry I tell her and drive, but you see I have no idea where I am going - they are my navigators, and I am driving as fast as I feel safe driving with other people and 2 kids in the car, but I keep hearing "FASTER OMG they are gonna lock the gate!" Then the kids starting getting concerned, "what will we do?" they ask? I assure everyone that I will take everyone home if anything happens and just think it will give us a great excuse to come back on Sunday to get the cars and box some more. We arrive at the park - all is well except all this time 't' never realized her truck was there too ! :O)
We thanked The Hornsbees for boxing with us, we hope to be able to box together again. So now it was only the 4 of us left, Sean, 't', ARK and me. We decided we should meet up with Dixie and Mama Fox and everyone else for some food. Sean was trilled when we walked in and he spotted his Mojo. We had a great visit, be filled our hungry bellies and made one last plan. We actually tried to make 2 plans but Mama Fox and Dixie really did not want us to go to Chicken Alley with the kids at night, so we relented and went off to visit Helen.
Now what I have not told you is the Troll has called several times to REMIND me that I was not home YET ! I think while we were in the cemetery he even called for the ingredients he needed to buy for ME to make soup. With each call, I said, "I am still in Asheville darling, just a few more boxes and we will be on the way home, PROMISE!"
Again I drove and 't' navigated. We drive to the bridge..............the kids are playing with the flashlight figuring out which scary sound is best to SCARE someone with should they be on the bridge. I drive under the bridge - LEAVE MY LIGHTS ON- and run to Helen's Haunt. I run back to the car and stamp in. Another SUV goes past us and parks at the end of the road and a large group unloads and walks towards Zealandia. As I go to get out to return the box a car pulls up and stops under the bridge. Now I am stuck , we wait a few minutes , they turn their lights off, they take pictures, they flash their lights at us. I am sitting with the box in my lap. 't' tells me to pull up the road a little and park. I do this and then run back to see if they are gone. NOPE, now they are parked where I was with their lights out. So I go back to the car again. I pretend to be looking for something in the back as they pull up to me. "YOU ARE NOT DOING IT RIGHT!", they inform me. "You HAVE TO TURN YOUR LIGHTS OUT, when you are under the bridge and then call for Helen!". "OH ......... thanks, I really didn't know" I reply! LOL as they pull away - I run back to the bridge to safely return the box as I am walking back to the car a pick-up full of teenagers pulls under the bridge, to summons Helen. I get back to the car and we drive up the road and park in the curve. We get out and start walking up the road, the pick-up parks ahead of us and the pack of teenagers are on the bridge messing around. The kids are a little scared at this point but 't' has them repeat over and over "GO AWAY HELEN"! I meet The Hookman of Beaucatcher, as the kids and 't' ward off Helen! We get back to the car and decide we need to call it a day and head back to to good old South Carolina. I return dtandfambly to their their car and head down the mountain.
I admit I am tired it is about 10pm and Sean has fallen asleep in the back seat. The TROLL CALLS !!! I know I am in major trouble! "HOLLY WHERE ARE YOU?", he bellows! "IT IS 10PM and you have my SON WITH YOU", he informs me. I assure him we are on the way down the mountain and that his son is fine and asleep in the car. Next he advises me that I have made BAD decisions in keeping my kid out this late at nite to LETTERBOX ! It is not smart he lets me know. NOTE TO SELF: Next time book a hotel room!
I arrive home at about 11 PM, get Sean safely in his bed, calm the troll down, and savor the great day I had.
THANKS DIXIE, Mama Fox, Knit Wit and everyone for all the hard work you put into this event, Mojo for being Sean's special friend, dtandfambly and The Hornsbees for being my partners in crime and Fire Fighter Daddy for sharing his special box with us! AND EVERYONE ELSE for such a great day!
Where to next ????? :O)
Thursday, January 3, 2008
New Year, New Goals, New Attitude
When we started letterboxing in July 2007, I really had no goals except to have fun. As the months went on and my numbers increased and I learned so much more about this hobby, I had said I would like to hit my 100th Find before the end of the year. As the end of 2007 approached and that #100 was within my grasp, I changed my mind and my goal.
Number 100 or any number for that matter means very little to me now. It is the box, it is the experience, it is the adventure, the fun, NOT the number. So while I did not STOP letterboxing at the end of the year, I went after boxes that I wanted for a reason. It may have been the planter, it may have been the trail that I had never hiked, it was not for the number. One of these boxes I still want to find soooooooooo very bad and "she" still alludes me.
So with the new year, comes my new view on my hobby. It is the experience, the story, the memories that go along with the numbers.
Have a great New Year everyone, and stay tuned for more of my adventures!
Number 100 or any number for that matter means very little to me now. It is the box, it is the experience, it is the adventure, the fun, NOT the number. So while I did not STOP letterboxing at the end of the year, I went after boxes that I wanted for a reason. It may have been the planter, it may have been the trail that I had never hiked, it was not for the number. One of these boxes I still want to find soooooooooo very bad and "she" still alludes me.
So with the new year, comes my new view on my hobby. It is the experience, the story, the memories that go along with the numbers.
Have a great New Year everyone, and stay tuned for more of my adventures!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
I want a blog too :O)
Everyone else has one, so I decided I want one too :O)
Since I have only been addicted to this since July 2007, it should be fairly easy to go back and post about my favorite adventures and boxes. I have added several posts dated back in 2007. While I wrote those posts today they are how I remember the event !
Thanks for stopping by............. enjoy !
Since I have only been addicted to this since July 2007, it should be fairly easy to go back and post about my favorite adventures and boxes. I have added several posts dated back in 2007. While I wrote those posts today they are how I remember the event !
Thanks for stopping by............. enjoy !
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